Contact for the very best in unique handcrafted seating and vintage furniture. We’d love to hear from you!

Call us on: 07979 861 081 if you would like to try out our seating, we’d be happy to arrange an appointment at our SW London showroom, by appointment only.

Or email us:

Contact in Wimbledon London for high quality handcrafted seating and vintage furniture.

Address 329 Kingston Road

SW20 8JX

Thank you for visiting our online showroom – we hope you like what you see!

We pride ourselves on our personal service, and encourage people to come and visit us (where possible) particularly when interested in larger pieces of furniture.

If you see something you like you are always very welcome to contact by giving us a call, sending us an email or by popping down to the shop to make an enquiry or to finalise your order. Each item listed in our current sales stock has a “Make an enquiry for this product” button on its listing page. Simply press the enquiry button and send us a short enquiry about the item you’re interested in and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  Or give us a call and we can arrange a time for you to visit us in the showroom (we’re sometimes out on jobs or on childcare duties so best to ring to make sure we’re in!)

Can’t find what you’re looking? Well, we would suggest you should still consider getting in touch since we get new stock all the time and we’d love to help –
please do contact and we’ll see what we can do!

We look forward to hearing from you! Follow us on INSTAGRAM